Products and Services
Straw Hat Type Suspended Porcelain (Glass) Composite Insulator
The product has a reasonable structural design, and its skirt material USES high temperature vulcanized silicone rubber, which has excellent hydrophobicity and mobility, greatly improving the anti-fouling performance of the outer surface. The skirt has a particularly large diameter, smooth and non-ridged under the umbrella, streamlined structure, good self-cleaning property and small pollution amount. It is featured by being inserted in the upper and middle part of the dangling string of the insulator of AC and DC lines. The extremely large disk diameter structure can restrain the line pollution flash-over caused by sliding and mild bird droppings. It can effectively prevent the transmission line pollution flash-over tripping accident and ensure the safe operation of the line.
Parameter Tables
Straw Hat Type Suspended Porcelain (Glass) Composite Insulator
Download files:Parameters of composite insulator of straw hat type suspended porcelain (glass)(Click Download)
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